Samantha and Lyndsey have a well developed system that moves quickly and generate results. They have resources that quickly provide aptitude testing and career direction. Once these are established they can guide you to develop a resume and cover letters targeted to open positions at job openings that fit your talents and skills. From start (reviewing your resume) to finish (accepting a position) is usually 2 - 4 months.. Over this time period you will meet with Sam or Lyndsey approximately once a week. Here are some of the milestones you will achieve that are daunting to the inexperienced job seeker going at it alone:

Samantha Stevens with two new grads in an interview training

Samantha Stevens with two new grads in an interview training

INTRO SUMMARY (used to be called OBJECTIVE):

Writing a cogent, dynamic opening statement often referred to as SUMMARY: Employers scan a resume for 7 seconds to see if it grabs them or not. If this opening statement is not intelligently and thoughtfully written, or does not set you apart, you won't get in the door.


Writing engaging cover letters to use when sending out applications to each potential employer.


What companies are suitable for you? Does the corporate culture fit your personality? Is the pay reasonable and do they offer good training on the front end? Sam and Lyndsey help by taking your personal passion, skills and experience and target companies to which you can submit your resume. Their extensive library of businesses in Austin is invaluable.


They will guide you through the nuances of submitting an application. This year alone, They have successfully guided 65 candidates to successful jobs in Austin!

INTERVIEWING SKILLS TRAINING (and tricks to keep you calm and collected)

Your first interview is almost always by phone. This is nerve racking enough, but in-person interviewing is certainly the most stressful part of securing a job. Sam or Lyndsey will teach you methods to keep you calm, train you in answers for every possible question and help you display the "real you" in these situations.  You will practice with them before you go live, and you will be glad you did!

You will learn

  • How to answer questions from an authentic place, painting a picture of the real you

  • Complete thoughts or statements without babbling on

  • How to answer questions without sounding rehearsed

  • Ways to feel more power and control in an interview

You will receive:

  • Career mentoring

  • Career guidance

  • Job preparation

  • A fresh resume

  • Unique and personalized cover letter templates