We are happy to provide a complementary 20 minute call if you are unsure about moving forward. If you are sure and an appointment or call is booked it will be billed at the rate of $150/hour, payable at each weekly meeting unless otherwise arranged. Examples of costs are:

A new resume takes 1 - 2.5 hours depending on amount of client’s experience.

A new cover letter can be 40 mins - 1. hour.

Interview training typically takes 1.5 - 2 hours.

LinkedIn update takes 20 - 40 mins.

Professional headshot (if needed) takes 1 hour.

After these things are in place, Clients meet with us once a week for anywhere to 1 - 1.5 hours to find jobs, apply to jobs with assistance re-editing resume and cover letter, and receive advice, guidance, encouragement.

Clients have succeeded in finding jobs in anywhere from 3 weeks to 16 weeks. It depends on the client, how hard they are willing to work, how well they learn to interview and the field they are pursuing.